My story
Hi, my name is Matt Mikesell, but most of my friends call me "kaf"
Growing up I was always fascinated by visual arts and the way people could make things "come to life" over a screen. Putting those thoughts aside in high school I switched to dedicating most of my time to fitness and sports. After my sophomore year in college in 2023 I ended up failing out of my exercise science major being forced to switch majors completely or quit college at FAU. Since then I bought my first ever camera and what a wild ride it's been embracing that inner joy and passion for creativity that the 12-year old me had. now I currently intern for FAU athletics where I specialize in creative video alongside having a vast background in nightlife and club promotion for many venues, djs, and music artists. I am in relentless pursuit to learn and grow as a content creator and person fueled by the joy of creative freedom. I seek to make stories and memories come to life and capture the joy and emotion in sports, music, and life.